Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Knitted Royal Wedding

Apparently there's a Royal Wedding coming up shortly.  If you have been wanting to knit a tableau of the royal personages in the wedding party, now you can do it.  Fiona Goble has just published a book of knitting patterns for a set of dolls, Knit Your Own Royal Wedding.  It should appeal to ardent royalist knitters everywhere.  So not me, then, though the corgis are rather cute.  

There was an article about the book in last Friday's Daily Telegraph. And there is an animation using the dolls on YouTube, which is very wonderful.


  1. would a knitted corgi bite?

  2. Too cute! Too bad I don't really have interest in the wedding, but the dolls are adorable.

  3. I think this is the funniest thing I have seen in ages - just fab! ( I wont be knitting any of them.)

  4. How lovely - pity I won't have time to knit them before the big day but thank you anyway!
